Thursday, March 22, 2012

Change IP Script

Got tired of all the clicking and right clicking to change my interface address one day while setting up a bunch of equipment that lived in different subnets.

-=The Script=-

@echo off
title Set IP
echo Which Interface?
netsh interface show interface
set /p int=
echo Interface %int%
Echo Static (s) or DHCP (d)
set /p con=
if %con%==s goto setip
if %con%==d goto dhcp

echo Interface %int%
Echo Enter IP Address
set /p ipadd=
echo Enter Subnet Mask
set /p subnet=
echo Enter Default Gateway
set /p defgat=
echo Do you want to set DNS servers also? (y/n)
set /p ans=
if %ans%==y goto sdns
if %ans%==n echo DNS servers will not be set.
Echo Setting IP Address...
netsh interface ip set address "%int%" static %ipadd% %subnet% %defgat% 1

echo DNS Server Setup
echo Enter the IP address of the first dns server
set /p one=
echo Enter the IP address of the second dns server
set /p two=
echo Adding DNS 1...
netsh interface ip add dns "%int%" %one%
echo Adding DNS 2...
netsh interface ip add dns "%int%" %two%
Echo Setting IP Address...
netsh interface ip set address "%int%" static %ipadd% %subnet% %defgat% 1

Echo Interface %int%
echo Setting Interface to DHCP...
netsh interface ip set address "%int%" dhcp

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